I Offer
  • WordPress Themes & Plugins
  • Design & Frontend Development
  • Single Page Applications
  • Backend Development and Web Apps
  • UI / UX Consulting
My Sites Are

Responsive web design allows your sites to work on any device by rearranging the site’s layout to adapt to different screen sizes.

Creative & Modern

Being a graphic designer and a programmer allows me to have greater freedom and flexibility when designing effects and interactions.

Secure & Fast

When building a site, I never introduce third-party plugins unless absolutely necessary. I tweak every line of code for speed and security.

Flexible & Modular

Even when working on custom non-CMS based projects, I keep my code modular and highly extensible.

Accessible & Usable

Accessibility is about much more than making a site easy to use for people with disabilities. Optimizing the user experience increases conversions and engagement.

Well Structured

A modern site must be crawable and understandable by search engines and social networks.